Plumbing Work Starts Today!

As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum,
A. #Alhamdulillah After some construction delays due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are pleased to announce that the City has given us permission to begin the plumbing work tomorrow
B. Our initial estimate was missing the water heaters, therefore we had to select an option: Tank vs Tankless & chose the latter because it’s more efficient & cost $2,900
C. After further inspection, our plumber found underground pipes that need repair, the total additional cost is $1,640
D. Our new total cost is $34,570 #AllahuAkbar We have raised $26,254
E. We need $8,316 to reach our goal, who will Spend for Allah & #Donate2MasjidSunnahGR
Ways to Give:
Send Cash with MoneyGram – Anyone can donate Cash in person or online (including Inmates) Visit to send your donation online or find a location near you.
Send your donation to the Masjid Sunnah Treasurer:
–Name: Kareem Person
–Country: United States
–State: Michigan
–Phone: (616) 443-2664
Check/Money Order
Mail Donations to:
—Masjid Sunnah Grand Rapids Michigan
—2312 S. Division Ave.
—Grand Rapids, Michigan 49507
—United State of America
Cash or Debit Card: You can drop off cash or swipe your debit card in person at our weekly classes:
—Maktaba Sunnah
—2164 S. Division Ave.
—Grand Rapids, Michigan 49507
—United State of America
Bank Transfer Donations:
You can transfer funds straight from your account, just contact your bank and they’ll do the rest. You will need to give your bank our bank transfer details, email us for the instructions:
This cause is transparent and worthy of your help. May Allaah bless us and you. We ask Allaah to make our efforts in this regard for His Face only, seeking only His Reward and Pleasure, Aameen.
May Allah Reward all those online & the local families who continue to give for the Sake of Allah
For more details call 616-443-2664
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