Support Muslim Inmates

Inmate Assistance Program
Please support the Daw’ah by donating for the sake of Allaah to our IAP (Inmate Assistance Program) which supports our incarcerated brothers and sisters across the country.
1. Donate a Library
All of your donations go towards the purchase of knowledge-based reading materials which we send to the prisoners. Here is a basic set of books that we send to an inmate or prison library, it costs $80-120.
In order to donate specifically for this cause, please write “IAP” or “Inmate Assistance Program” or “Inmate name and prison” in the comments section of your Paypal donation. With the aid of Allaah, and then your donations, we can make a large impact in someone’s life, Barak Allaahu feekum, may Allaah bless you.
NOTE: We do not provide direct financial support to inmates, we utilize your donations to buy them reading material only.
Snd money via PayPal App to:
Or via the link below:
2. Communication and Questions
Inmates can now contact us directly with comments, questions, or concerns. They can email us directly or use CorrLinks and JPay:
Write us at:
Masjid Sunnah Grand Rapids Michigan
2312 S. Division
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
3. Daw’ah and Classes
We will be visiting prison facilities in Michigan Department of Corrections Insh’Allaah.
Please send requests for visits to:
Write us at:
Masjid Sunnah Grand Rapids Michigan
2312 S. Division
Grand Rapids, MI 49507